Tag Archives for " Blog "

Technical Difficulties? Yep, Even Geeks Have Them


In fact, we probably have them more often since we tend to *boldly go where no man has gone before*.

This week has been a week of just such difficulties. Some were self-induced (and therefore I have no one to blame, throw sticks at or give the evil eye), and some were brought on by outside influences. (Dare I say *hacker*?)

So, my apologies.. on the eve (so to speak) of a major launch, my site is in the toilet. If you visited and got a perfectly white page and nothing else, don’t worry, it’s not you. You have stepped off into the…

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Reciprocity and SEO


Most folks would define SEO (or search engine optimization) as the science or ability to optimize your site or blog for the search engines. That gets you visitors, right?

When the search engines can find you, typically, everyone else can. But is there another way? Do we have to rely on the giant search engines like Google, MSN or Yahoo to send visitors to our sites?

Or do we?

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Cool Color Picker


Okay, you’ve been online a while and finally mastered the whole *create a blog* or *build a capture page* thingy. One thing plaguing you though…every time you want to change a color on your theme, you have to stop, go open a program that will display the colors and let you choose, then copy the […]

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Testing the New Flock Auto-Blogging Feature


If you haven’t yet found it, Flock is the blogger of choice for Social Butterflies. It has a lot of built in features that make your social life a little easier to manage. So, this post came from Flock, without logging into my blog via WordPress. (I think that is a pretty cool feature myself). […]

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Mindset of a Successful Marketer

Other Authors

I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the readers of this blog arrived because they were searching for a revealing review of the latest money-making software or book. That’s why we’re marketers, right? Wrong! We’re marketers because we’ve taken action. We’ve gone out and set up a website, started an email list, promoted some valuable […]

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