Comment Policy and Guidelines

I hate that it has come to this, but what can I do? The number of spammy, low value, non-sense-making comments I get currently get far out number the real and serious comments I would much prefer. So, if you can comment within the guidelines, I will reward you and your blog with not one, but TWO backlinks to your blog.
Please review and adhere to these guidelines to ensure your comment makes it onto the blog.
1. The comment should be strictly related to the topic and should include your opinion. If the comment shows that you have not read the post at all, it will be deleted.
2. You should not post a comment asking for link exchange, or link suggestion or any other unrelated requests. However, your questions related to the post may be posted as comment. I will post the answer as soon as I can. Unrelated queries or comments should be directed to me through one of my contact forms.
3. Your website URL should not point to any improper or illicit websites — ie: those involving sex, violent content, drugs, racial intolerance, enlarging a penis, hacking/cracking, MFA (Made for Adsense), plagiarized content, promoting illegal items, etc. I take the final decision as to include the comment or not.
4. The URL should not point to any non-existent page. How stupid would it be to add a great comment that gets approved, only to have it point to a non-existent page?
5. You should not post comments involving hatred or malicious intent toward any of the featured authors in this blog or me personally.
7. Do not comment impersonating another entity; it may get you into legal troubles.
8. Anonymous comments are simply not allowed.
9. You should NOT use your “keyword” as your name. You are a real person, please try to prove it. I will however except something like Cenay @ Online Marketing. I don’t want to be a total buzz kill.
However, any comment that is approved on this blog is strictly in my discretion. Any already approved comment may be deleted in the future for obvious reasons. So, your best bet is commenting with these guidelines strictly followed.
I would recommend you check back after commenting (a day or so later so I can approve it), to make sure it is correct. If the backlink is wrong, the name is messed up or there are any other errors, use my contact form to let me know and we can correct it.