Category Archives for "FAQ"

Headspace2: The End Of An Era in SEO

FAQ , Plugins , SEO , Wordpress

Headspace2 is no longer supported. I can’t tell you how sad I am. Frustrated. Confused. Maybe a little bitter.

Headspace2 was an SEO plugin I found some time ago. As anyone who follows me knows, it’s a plugin I have proclaimed long and loud. I install it on all my client blogs. I teach how to set it up. I encouraged it’s use far and wide. And now it’s gasping it’s last.

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The Power of Posting Pictures


Enhance Readership with Royalty-Free Images!

Imagine this scenario: You’ve done everything by protocol. You have a high quality, unique and well written blog post ready to publish — it has all the bells and whistles, including an invigorating/captivating title, strong…

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Fix The Dreaded Memory Leak In FireFox


If you have followed my advice on your browser of choice, you might have noticed that after running a while, FireFox gets a little RAM hungry. I found a tweak you can do to improve performance and reclaim some of the memory it eats voraciously.

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