Category Archives for "Online Marketing"

Want More Sales? Stop Asking For Them!

Network Marketing

Yes, I realize this flies in the face of what your upline has been drilling into your head for weeks (months/years), but it’s true. It also has the additional benefit of increasing trust with your potential customers, reducing stress, and making direct sales more fun. Oh, and you get to keep your friends. Sweet! Let […]

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Don’t Handle Objections, Embrace Them

Network Marketing

Network marketers have been taught by training programs, their up line and printed material that they have to “handle objections” as a matter of course, to get to the sale. BS. Objections aren’t really “objections”, but rather an invitation from the buyer to make a connection to us. Thank them for the invitation, and connect […]

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A Mentor Will Save Your Business

Network Marketing

Want to know what a Mentor is? It is someone who has already made mistakes and learned from them, and is willing to help you avoid the same mistakes. A mentor has already been down the road you are traveling and knows where the potholes are. You can save yourself a lot of frustration (and […]

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Network Marketing

Do you really need the LESS! and other Nussentials’ products to lose weight?

by Michelle M

I was talking to a friend of mine at work the other day and he asked me this question. I guess he wondered whether or not he should spend the $50 or so a month for the LESS! product.

I guess other people think this; I don’t.

No, you don’t need the LESS! or

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The Power Of Leverage In Network Marketing

Network Marketing

Are you a workaholic? I know I have been accused of this by insensitive friends and family that didn’t understand my burning desires and relentless need for forward momentum. But even a workaholic can only put in so many hours per day. Let’s see… there are 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a year. That’s a max of 8760 hours. No sleep, no pottie breaks, no drive time. Maximum 8760 hours. (There were years when I think I came close to that number).

Now, I bet you could get a lot accomplished in 8760 hours. In fact, I would guarantee it. Your performance might be suffering a tad with no sleep though. Okay, just so we are clear… 1 person, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 52 weeks = 8760 man hours of effort into building your business.

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Why Such A High Failure Rate For MLM’ers?

Network Marketing

Network Marketing

Yep, that’s right. Multilevel Marketing Companies, or MLM’s use Network Marketing to *market* their products, which means they get and sponsor people who have never owned a business before to tell other people about the product. And since having other representatives sponsored is one of the *income streams*, these people market BOTH the business opportunity and products to the same group of people.

That’s a little like advertising a Dog Training program and if they show any interest, try to sell them Home Siding.

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