Could You Use An Extra Paycheck? Yanik Silver has a plan.


Please note, this is a time sensitive offer so don’t hesitate. After February 20th, no new takers will be considered!

Could you use some extra bucks to pay off bills? Make a new car payment? Buy some cool toys? Take a vacation?

If so, please pay attention…

Because top internet marketer, Yanik Silver , just published his first "real" book called "Moonlighting on the Internet "

What’s really interesting is that it goes totally against the "get rich" grain and instead focuses on five proven and reliable ways to make an additional $500 to $5,000 a month "moonlighting" on the internet.

To kick-off sales of his book he’s doing a special call with his co-authors going on this Wednesday, February 20, 2008.

The call will be pitch free and nothing but "get an extra paycheck" content on everything from Information marketing, eCommerce stores, Blogging, Affiliate Programs and even eBay.

I have only been allotted a few spaces so it is on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Reserve you spot right now at:

One other thing I should mention – Yanik has never built a website and calls himself a "computer dunce" – so you can be sure that what he covers will not be technical or require large sums of time or money.

If you’re ready and know what you’ll do with an extra paycheck each and every month, now is the time to discover how to Moonlight on the Internet. Join me on this content-packed call:
To YOUR Success…

P.S. If a few extra bucks isn’t your thing and you want to play with the "Big Boys & Girls" doing 6, 7, 8…even 9-figures online then Yanik’s Underground(r) Seminar might for you. It’s nearing a sell-out again:


About the Site Owner

Cenay is a self-proclaimed geek with mad technical skills she loves sharing with Videos, Coaching and Articles. Need help? Click the Book 30 Minutes to find out if this is a good fit.