Your Blog Is At War, Help Defend It

Defend Your Blog

Yep, you heard me right. Spammers, hackers, trogans and viruses… it’s a jungle out there. And your blog is a sitting duck.

I have a series of suggestions I will be making over the upcoming days to help you defend this valuable asset in your online marketing arsenal, so stayed tuned. And if you haven’t grabbed the RSS feed yet, this might be a good time…

WordPress Antivirus

The first recommendation is that you go and install the Antivirus plugin to help keep your beautiful theme files from infecting visitors that land on your site. There is no bigger turn off for a visitor than to have YOUR site infect them.

AntiVirus for WordPress monitors malicious injections and warns you of any possible attacks. With multilingual support. Simply, the plugin you must have.

Ideal as a supplement to the manual security measures in your blogs. Hey, it’s free!

Settings include a manual scan, an auto-scan with email alerts in the effect it find something suspicious.

Download: WordPress Antivirus here




About the Site Owner

Cenay is a self-proclaimed geek with mad technical skills she loves sharing with Videos, Coaching and Articles. Need help? Click the Book 30 Minutes to find out if this is a good fit.

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