Ultimate Guide To WordPress Plugins


Would you like to know just how those *Top Blogs* are raking in visitors and money day after day?

Then you aren’t alone. In fact, there are over 70 million blogs on the web today, with a new 120,000 created world wide, every single day. That’s about 1.4 blogs created every second of every day.

And the sad truth is 90% of them will fail and be abandoned after 3 months. Why? Because most bloggers can’t master a couple of simple concepts.

Simple Concept 1: Get Found

In order to get visitors, you need to be seen.

In order to be seen, you need to be listed in the organic search results of all the major search engines when someone types in a keyword and searches.

Simple Concept 2: Convert Visitors

In order to earn money from those visitors, you need to convert them into paying customers. Ideally, you want to attract people to your blog with credit card in hand, ready to buy.

The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins is a must read for WordPress bloggers looking to ease their *management burden*, make blogging more fun and productive, and snag a little *Google Love* in the process.

It’s more than 68 pages of plugin advice and 80+ plugins described and detailed in plain English. Each plugin is rated and the *timing* is explained. Links are provided to go get the plugin.

Want to know what to do when a plugin breaks your theme? Want to know the best plugin for branding yourself? Or how to bring visitors back to your site? It’s all here.

Check out Ultimate Guide To WordPress Plugins : Your Guide To A Better Blog here. Don’t forget to let me know what you think!


About the Site Owner

Cenay is a self-proclaimed geek with mad technical skills she loves sharing with Videos, Coaching and Articles. Need help? Click the Book 30 Minutes to find out if this is a good fit.

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