Tag Archives for " Page Load Time "

Customize Tag Cloud Appearance To Help Visitors Find Your Content


I know you thought you’d never hear me say this, but a plugin isn’t always the best way to handle a small change in your Wordpress Theme. Especially since each plugin adds it’s own load time to the overall page load time. Fast = visitors stay longer.

Come on, we are a generation of short-attention spanned humans, struggling to assimilate the thousands of bits of information that flow like a river into our awareness. The longer a page takes to load, the less inclined we are to look at other content on a site. One slow page, especially the main page, and most folks will pack up their little red wagon and move on.

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3 Ways To A Faster Page Load


Its true. Fancy blogs look good, but they take time to load on your visitors browser, and that can cost you. If it takes too long to load, that little voice in their head says “All the pages will take this long, do I really want to click the next link?

At that point, you have lost them…many for good.

Although I have no hard numbers to back up this statement, I figure you have about 8 seconds. If they aren’t seeing real content delivered in 8 seconds, they are

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