Tag Archives for " Hype "

Mindset of a Successful Marketer

Other Authors

I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the readers of this blog arrived because they were searching for a revealing review of the latest money-making software or book. That’s why we’re marketers, right? Wrong! We’re marketers because we’ve taken action. We’ve gone out and set up a website, started an email list, promoted some valuable […]

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Marketing To The Four Personality Types

Network Marketing

There are four primary personality types that you will be marketing to. In 1921, Dr Carl Jung wrote the most detailed book ever on this subject. He called the four personality types Feeler, Sensor, Thinker and Intuitive. Later, Florence Littauer named them Phlegmatic, Sanguine, Melancholy and Choleric. That’s rather dry, so I prefer to use colors to help me remember them.

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